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 Sort all or part of an array in ascending or descending order


    A_SORT(  <aTarget>,
             [<cOrder>] )


    <aTarget> is the array to be sorted.  A_SORT will not sort a Binary
    "logical" type array.

    <idxPos> is the position in the <aTarget> array to begin the sort.
    If not specified, the default value is one.

    <nCount> is the number of elements beginning at <idxPos> to sort.
    If not specified, all elements are sorted to the end of the array.

    <cOrder> is either "Ascending" or "Descending".  Only the first
    letter is significant.  If not specified, the sort is made




    A_SORT() will sort all or part of a FlexFile array.  If <cOrder>
    is ascending, elements with higher values are stored at the top
    (beginning) of the array.  If <cOrder> is descending, elements
    with lower values are stored at the top of the array.

    Wrapping will occur if <nCount> goes beyond the current row
    pointed to by <idxPos>.


    // Declare a two dimensional (C)haracter array
    LOCAL rows, cols, x, y, z

    rows = 10
    cols = 20
    z = 1
    aChar = A_DECLARE( "C", rows, cols )

    // Fill the array with increasing character values.
    FOR x = 1 to rows
       FOR y = 1 to cols
          A_STORE( aChar, chr(z), A_( x, y ) )

    // Sort the first row in descending order
    A_SORT( aChar, A_( 1, 1 ), cols, 'D' )

    // Show the results
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aChar, A_( 1, 1 ) )    // Result: .
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aChar, A_( 1, 20) )    // Result: .

See Also: A_SCAN()
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